Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hierarchy of Mobility Skills

The order for restoring confidence follows the hierarchy of mobility of skills goes as follows: bed mobility, mat transfers, wheelchair transfers, bed transfer, functional ambulation for ADL, toilet & tub transfer, car transfer, functional ambulation for community mobility and finally community mobility and driving. This hierarchy is what I expected because each transfer has an increased activity demand compared to the step before it. This means that each transfer is building on the skills and abilities needed for the previous transfer with the ultimate goal of full community mobility and even driving. You will not be able to perform a bed transfer if you cannot first move, slide and lift your self in the bed so that makes sense why bed mobility is first and bed transfers are later on. In the time I spent shadowing, and with the new information we have gained regarding transfers, I witnessed numerous components of this hierarchy including just the basic bed mobility to slide up in bed or to roll over in order to change the sheets or place a bed pan under the patient. I also saw transfers from the bed to the walker to the toilet to perform ADL'S, but that not past that stage. However, these observations made me agree with this order and how each skill builds upon each other. This course has taught me the importance of body mechanics not only for myself but also for the success of my patients. I am excited to learn more and start to use this new knowledge soon!

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