Friday, May 22, 2020

What Commercials do to My Nervous System

     Whenever you sit down to watch a show or game on T.V., it is a known fact that there will be commercials. Commercials about food, cars, phones and games. Some commercials you've never seen before and some you feel like are being played on repeat. But for me, there is always one commercial that I will never forget and always sticks out and that is the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) commercial. These commercials have been the same for as long as I can remember, they play a slow sad song and show you pictures and videos of dogs, cats and other animals that have been mistreated and are looking at you so sad. It breaks my heart every single time. This commercial sticks out to me because I have been raised as an animal lover. I have never lived a day without having some sort of pet living in my house and I wouldn't have it any other way. So in terms of my nervous system, there are numerous things going on when I see this commercial. First in my brain's temporal lobe, which is responsible for my hearing and musical awareness. I hear that song and I automatically recognize it and link it to the sad pictures of animals. Another part of my brain that is affected is my Limbic System, specifically my hippocampus. These brain structures are associated with my long term memory especially those with strong emotional ties. So, every time I see or hear this commercial I will always remember those sad looking faces and the sadness and hurt I feel for those animals.

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